How to secure you API keys
During my BootCamp, while working on a project with a third party API, I had to push my project on Github and I knew I should not leave my API key public so I put my repo private … Yes definitely not the best way specially when the project will but added on my resume to get a job but I was to afraid to get charged thousand of dollars cause of a thief.
Hide your Keys in the Frond End (React)
1-run dotven and Create a file called .env in the root of your project’s directory.
The .env has to be in the ROOT
npm install dotenv — save/ project
/.env <=== here
2. Inside the .env file
Keep in mind variable needs to start with REACT_APP_
for it to work.
3. Add the .env file to your .gitignore file.
// .gitignore
# keys
.env <=== here
# dependencies
Save and run git status to make sure that .env is not on the list of changes to be committed.
4. Access the API key
in your app
// src/App.jsimport React, { Component } from 'react';
require('dotenv').config() 'console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_KEY)
Console.log to make sure you get your key back.
reference :