Starting with RSpec

3 min readDec 6, 2020


(TDD) Test-driven development is the act of writing tests before writing any code. Also known as red/green testing because you write the test, it fails, and then you write the code that makes it pass.

RSpec is a behavior-driven development (BDD) testing tool for Ruby, and is widely used for testing both plain Ruby and full-on Rails applications.

Setting up RSpec

Install the Rspec gem in your gemfile and run bundle install.

Create your new rails application as:

rails new <app_name> -T

Or remove your test directory from your existing application:

rm -rf test/

Make an entry in your Gemfile:

group :development, :test do
gem ‘rspec-rails’

From the command line install the gem

$ bundle install

From the command line install rspec into your application:

$ rails generate rspec:install
create .rspec
create spec
create spec/spec_helper.rb
create spec/rails_helper.rb

This will create a spec folder which will contain a spec_helper.rb, a rails_helper.rb. An .rspec file will also be created in the root directory which will allow you to automatically require the spec helper in all specs.

Running RSpec tests

To run all RSpec tests in your Rails project, use this console command:

bundle exec rspec

RSpec Blocks : describe and it

Here’s the first test from random_character_generator_spec.rb:

# /spec/services/random_character_generator_spec.rbRSpec.describe RandomCharacterGenerator do
describe "#new_character" do
# NOTE: Do NOT create your test variables this way!!
rcg =
player = Player.create(user_name: "Ronald McDonald", display_name: "Mac")
character = rcg.new_character("Ronnie the Rat", player)
it "creates a new Character instance" do
expect(character).to be_an_instance_of Character

Let’s walk through this:

  1. At the top, we have RSpec.describe <ClassName> do. This encapsulates our tests for the RandomCharacterGenerator service object class.
  2. Underneath, we have describe "#method_name" do. This encapsulates our tests for the new_character method. It is a Rails convention to add # before this--that way, the test output will read RandomCharacterGenerator#new_character, which helps us know what we're testing.
  3. Inside that describe block for our method, we instantiate a couple objects to test, and run the new_character method so we can assign its output to the variable character. This will give us all the objects we need to test the method's behavior.
  4. Finally, we have an it "description of expected behavior" do block. This is where we write the test code logic! In a very expressive style, we see that the test itself expects the variable character to be an instance of the class Character. If this line evaluates to True, our test will pass--otherwise, it will fail!

RSpec Cheatsheet :

Equal value (or not)

expect(target).to eq 1
expect(target).not_to eq 1

Math comparisons

expect(5).to be < 6
expect(5).to == 5
expect(5).to equal value
expect(5).to be_between(1, 10)
expect(5).to be_within(0.05).of value


expect(x).to be_zero    # FixNum#zero?
expect(x).to be_empty # Array#empty?
expect(x).to have_key # Hash#has_key?


expect(obj).to be_an_instance_of MyClass
expect(obj).to be_a_kind_of MyClass


expect {! }.to raise_error
expect {! }.to raise_error(ExceptionName, /msg/)


expect(list).to include(<object>)expect(list).to have(1).things
expect(list).to have_at_least(2).things
expect(list).to have_at_most(3).things

If you are more visual here a small video (by Jesus Castello) that describe the base of testing with Rspec :.




Written by Tosh

Software Engineering student @Flatiron

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